Homily given by Bishop Anthony Randazzo
Bishop of Broken Bay
5th Anniversary of Installation as Bishop of Broken Bay
Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara
3 November 2024
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, as I stand before you today, I have not long returned from Rome where I participated in the Synod on Synodality.
It has been a marvellous experience, even if a little exhausting, and I am filled with a profound sense of purpose and hope.
The Synod has been a remarkable journey, beginning in 2021 and concluding in 2024. It is an experience that invites us to reflect on what it means to be a Synodal Church — a community that walks together in communion and mission, as we strive to follow the teachings of Christ as His disciples and apostles in the world.
In today’s readings, we hear the essence of our faith distilled in the commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbour as ourselves.
This is not merely a call to personal holiness; it is an invitation to live out our faith in community. Pope Francis has emphasized on multiple occasions that a Synodal Church is not a parliament, but a living, breathing community of the faithful.
He reminds us that we are called to journey together in harmony, fostering a spirit of fidelity and charity, and building up the Body of Christ.
This journey of walking together is not just about governance or structure; it’s about creating an environment where the Holy Spirit is welcome to move among us.
It is about nurturing a community of the Church that is renewed, not by our own designs, but through the transformative power of God.
Each of us, through our Baptism, Confirmation, and participation in the Eucharist, is invited to a life of holiness. This holiness compels us to love — to love God fully and to extend that love to our neighbours.
As members of the Church of Broken Bay, we are reminded that we do not need a new Church; we need to be a regenerated Church.
This regeneration, or rebirth in the Holy Spirit, begins in our hearts because openness of heart allows for true transformation. By opening our hearts to God, we are able to extend that regeneration into our relationships and our mission.
The Holy Father’s concluding statement from the Synod calls us to study and discern how we can be a Church that truly embodies synodality.
My sisters and brothers, this means that we must commit ourselves to Christ and to the journey, listening to one another, sharing our experiences, and encouraging one another to grow in faith and love.
Living in this way allows us to become a Church that is vibrant and responsive to the needs of our world. It empowers us to proclaim the Gospel with joy and conviction, to reach out to the marginalized, and to serve those in need. As you have heard me say on many occasions over these past five years, we are called to be a beacon of hope and a testament to the love of Christ.
Let us reflect on how we, as individuals and as a community, can embrace this call to rebirth in Christ. How can we ensure that our lives are animated by the Holy Spirit? How can we better love our neighbour, particularly those who are struggling or feel disconnected from our community?
The answers to these questions lie in our willingness to listen charitably, to engage respectfully, and to act in accordance with God’s will.
In this journey of faith, might we remember that we do not walk alone. Jesus, the Lord walks with us, guiding our steps and igniting our hearts with His love.
In his latest Encyclical, Dilexit Nos, Pope Francis proposes to the whole Church a renewed reflection on the love of Christ represented in his Sacred Heart.
Might we take to our hearts once more the Sacred Heart of Jesus. By doing so, may we, together, strive to be a Synodal Church, living out the call to holiness and mission, embodying the love that Christ commands us to share.
As we continue with our Mass today, my brothers and sisters, let us open our hearts to the grace of the Holy Spirit.
May we be strengthened to love God and our neighbour, and may we commit ourselves anew to the mission of proclaiming the Gospel.
Together, let us build a Church that reflects the beauty, the unity, and the love of Christ. Amen.