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New advisory body to monitor Catholic reforms in response to child sexual abuse tragedy

3 May 2018

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conderence and Catholic Religious Australia have established a new advisory group that w ...


Increase to minimum wages and Newstart urgently needed: Bishop Long

1 May 2018

Increase to minimum wages and Newstart urgently needed: Bishop Long


Into what Sacrifice am Invited?

25 Apr 2018

ANZAC Day Homily by Very Rev David Ranson VG


Vatican Astronomer to visit Broken Bay

10 Apr 2018

Br Guy Consolmagno SJ, the Vatican Astronomer, will visit the Diocese of Broken Bay in late April for a series of presen ...


Holiness in Today's World

9 Apr 2018

Tonight, the Vatican has officially released the Holy Father's new Apostolic Exhortation: Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice ...

Celebration of the Lord's Passion

30 Mar 2018

Bishop Peter A Comensoli's homily from Good Friday.