
The Light in on for you this Lent

2018 DBB LightisON Banner

There is one question on the lips of many Catholics right now: What will I do for Lent? Our Diocese asked this question too, and this year the Diocese of Broken Bay will be turning on a light in faith.

Every Friday evening this Lent, churches throughout the Diocese will be open for quiet time, prayer and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

If you have ever been away from home for a significant time, you will know what it feels like to come home when a light has been left on for you, an expectation of being warmly welcomed home. "The Light is On" initiative will offer such a welcoming space in our churches, a place to feel at home, to connect with God, our faith, and our faith community, and to open ourselves to the loving grace of God.

It is striking that God's first words in the Bible are "Let there be light" (Gen 1:3). Fast forward to the Gospel of John and we find Jesus described as the "light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it" (John 1:4-5).

No matter how dark our times might seem, with faith there is always light. The light of Christ still shines, and is a source of peace and healing for all of us. This light is offered to everyone. This light is received in a particular way at Baptism when we are encouraged to keep the new light of Christ shining brightly. Sometimes this light can enfold us, and at other times it can appear hidden and we cannot seem to find it. Lent is a time to rekindle that light, to remove the obstacles that suffocate it, and to let it shine.

We can all feel burdened at times, confused and anxious; or perhaps we are trapped in harmful habits, or have difficult decisions to make and can't see a way forward. Perhaps there is illness in our families or disunity in our relationships that cause us pain. "The Light is On" in our churches gives us a space to come to bring our worries and concerns, and to pray for peace and healing in our lives and the lives of others wherever it is needed.

We know that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is the ideal way to be released from what is weighing us down. This Sacrament is nothing less than a personal encounter with Christ, and gives us access in a particular way to the forgiving power of God that heals in a way that nothing else can. The small light of the confessional will be on throughout these Friday nights in Lent for all who wish to experience the peace of this Sacrament.

You will see banners outside participating churches all around our Diocese which feature our well-known lighthouse - our own symbol of light. Drop in. We're open. Take a step to let the light of God into your life in a new way this Lent.

You are welcome, and the light is on… for you, your family, your neighbours and friends.

The Light is On
Fridays 16, 23 February, 2, 9, 16, 23 March
7pm - 8pm

For further information and participating churches, please check