
Globally renowned theologians to teach at BBI-TAITE seminar

Two of the world’s leading theologians, Professor Massimo Faggioli and Professor Richard Lennan from the USA will be teaching a two-day, face-to-face seminar in Sydney in August through BBI-The Australian Institute of Theological Education (BBI-TAITE).

Professors Faggioli and Lennan are internationally acclaimed Church scholars and authors. They are both recognised for their extraordinary academic expertise which collectively incorporates Church history, ecclesiology, Papacy and the Roman Curia, Vatican II and systematic theology.

Massimo Faggioli 1 web  Richard Lennan-2018 web

The seminar on 2-3 August in Sydney, Leading Ecclesial Communities: Foundations, Challenges and Possibilities will take a broad view of the theological and cultural landscape of Catholicism as it impacts the leadership in the Church today.

“The seminar forms an integral part of a broader academic unit at BBI-TAITE which was designed and written by Professors Faggioli and Lennan”, explained BBI-TAITE’s Principal & CEO, Dr Gerard Goldman.

Professor Faggioli is an established teacher at BBI-TAITE where he holds the role of Conjoint Professor teaching into its Leadership & Theology units while maintaining his current role as Professor of Historical Theology at Villanova University in Philadelphia.

Professor Lennan is an Australian-born theologian who served as a Catholic priest in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle prior to taking up his current position as Professor of Systematic Theology at Boston College in the USA.

The two day seminar will be held at the Wesley Centre in central Sydney. It can be attended by those working in Catholic agencies as a professional development seminar with attendance potentially counting towards your PD hours.

For further information, please visit the BBI-TAITE website-