Our Parish Family Youth Ministry targets ages 12 – 40. We strive to develop four groups of these ages. At the moment we are grouped into two sections of 12 – 17 years and 18 – 40 years.
You are welcome to be part of building a vibrant Parish Youth Ministry, as a member or as a mentor.
Together let us create space for our young people.

The Youth Ministry create a conducive environment in our parish family for the integral development of our young people. This includes support in Faith Formation, Social Justice (Outreach), Liturgy and Social Development (Recreational).
The Youth Ministry enables our young people to participate as a team in an activity within the Parish and the wider community using their gifts.

Youth (Ages 12 to 17 years)
The Miracles Youth Band are involved in leading us in Music during Mass. Also they read, serve and take up collections during the celebration of the Eucharist.
Contact - Glenn and Rosemary
As “Youth in Action” we sing Christmas carols for those in Nursing Homes and at Coast Shelter for the homeless.
Also we fundraise – like selling cakes for Coast Shelter
Contact – Michele
We have fun playing soccer and table tennis. More social activities are to be added.
Young Adults (Ages 18 to 40 years)
The Young Adults Choir are involved in leading us in Music during Mass.
Contact – Mei

Also the Young Adults are involved in Bible Study, reading, serving and taking up collections during the celebration of the Eucharist. They also serve the homeless at Coast Shelter.
Contact - Helene