Donations and Online Payments
Donations or payments can made by clicking on the options below This secure online system provided by Commonwealth Bank will give you the option of having your receipt emailed to you.
May Christ bless you for your generous contributions.

1st Collection - Clergy Giving

The 1st Collection is used to support the Bishop and Priests of the Diocese in their tireless work for the Church.
2nd Collection - Parish Giving

The 2nd Collection is used to meet vital Parish running costs, such as Parish ministries, outreach, literature, music, events, maintenance of Parish buildings and grounds, staff salaries and other Parish expenses.
Pastoral Works Broken Bay - Support our wider community.

Pastoral Works Broken Bay (PWBB) supports ministries of the Diocese, including Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (Scripture Teaching in Public Schools), Hospital Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care Program. Donations over $2 are tax deductible and contribute to our parish quota.
Planned Giving
To set up regular monthly, planned giving contributions, please download, complete and return this formto the Parish Office.
Other Payments
For payments relating to baptism, programs, events, weddings, funerals, etc and other appeals, please use this link to Bpoint or by clicking the image below.

A bequest is a donation left to your local parish, given via your will. A bequest to your parish will help the faith community which has meant so much to you to continue its good works and its loving outreach. For more information on how to lodge a bequest, please visit the Diocese of the Broken Bay website.
Donations Policy
If a payment or donation has been made to Wyoming Parish in error and a refund is required, please contact our Parish office by phoning 02 4324 3962 or alternatively email Please note any approved refunds will be returned using the original method of payment. Payments or donations from credit cards will be refunded to the same credit card used to make the donation.