Church Cleaning - Vacuuming, Dusting, Cleaning Windows and Arranging Flowers (Team leader: Helen Black)
Every house needs to be looked after. In our Parish Cleaning Ministry a team of parishioners on a monthly roster work in pairs to vacuum the church. One will work on the Sacred Heart side, half of the Sanctuary and that half of the church including the Confessional and Chapel. The other person will work on Our Lady’s side, half of the Sanctuary, half of the church and the priest’s Sacristy.
Window cleaning and general duties e.g. cleaning and mopping the foyer and front steps.
Flowers are arranged for the Sanctuary and the Chapel.
This is a great spiritual opportunity for spending some quiet time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament while attending to this sacred place.
Maintenance (Team leader: Geoff Marland)
A team of parishioners, each with their own gifts, are called upon to attend various jobs for the church and presbytery whenever it is necessary. They also give suggestions about other issues that may require attention.
Work Health Safety (W H S) is continuously looked at on a Parish level as well as Diocesan.
If you see any hazards on the parish premises that may be considered a risk to parishioners or to members of the public please report it to the Parish office on 4324 3962.
Lawn Mowing (Team leader: Chris Parkhouse)
A team of parishioners on a rotating roster (twice in 6 months) work in pairs to mow the lawns in the church and presbytery grounds.
This allows parishioners to spend time together and also to reflect and enjoy fresh air and to be filled with awe and thanksgiving for the wonders of God’s creation.

Gardens (Team leader: Margaret O'Neill)
The church gardens are maintained by a team of parishioners.
Regular weeding and watering are normally done.
This is a wonderful opportunity to work outdoors and to be filled with awe and thanksgiving for God’s creation and the privilege that is ours to be part of this Ministry.