What is Catechesis?
Catechesis is an education in the faith of children, young people and adults. It is intimately bound up with the whole of the Church’s life. We are sent out by the Church to make disciples. (Mt. 28) How can we achieve and fulfil this vision through Catechesis Ministries?
Special Religious Education (S.R.E.) / Scripture
Public Primary School SRE is available to our six schools in our Parish. Parents/Carers are offered the opportunity at school Enrolment to choose to send their child/children to Catholic Scripture. Also parents are welcome to join in the classes at any time during the year.
- What are the benefits for the children? They have the opportunity to share with us the basics of our Catholic Christian faith.
- Classes are once a fortnight, thirty minutes of face to face teaching.
- Our curriculum is authorised by the Diocese, our Parish Priest and the NSW Education Department.
- Each child is given a book “Walking with Jesus” each year ranging from Kinders up to Year 6.
- A Teachers Manual is also provided and training for the teachers is available from CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine).
- All teachers complete a Working with Children Check.

High School Scripture (Team Leader for Primary and High School: Norah Marland)
- In our Parish family we are responsible for three schools. Gosford High School, Lisarow High School and Narara Valley High School.
- We are currently attending Gosford High School. In approximately 2006, due to a shortage of catechists our Parish ceased to attend Lisarow High School and Narara Valley High School. Father Andrew has commenced discussions with the Principals of the two schools to arrange for us to return to attending these schools.
- We attend the High School one day in each of four terms. We commence at 8.30am and finish at 3.10pm and we have periods of 70 minutes for each class in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Prior to attending the High School CCD will ask us to attend a preparation session (approximately 30 minutes) on the material to be used.
Sacramental Programme
- We support children and parents in preparation for the Sacraments of Confirmation, First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
- The programme commences with Enrolment and Parent Information sessions (for parents only). Two sessions lasting one hour each are available and parents attend one.
- After enrolment we then commence four sessions for the preparation to receive the Sacrament.
- Resources are available through the Parish to assist in the preparations for each Sacrament. Leaders from the Parish will guide these sessions.
- A brochure “Family-Based Sacramental Programme” showing the details of the nominated days and times of the Sacraments is available from the Church foyer or the Parish office.

R.C.I.A. /Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
- The Rite grew from a need for guidelines to help prepare people for Church membership. Christian initiation is a process of coming to faith and becoming part of a faith community. In the Catholic Church we initiate with conversion as our agenda, community as our context and discipleship as our goal.
- Christian initiation is concerned with a process of progressive development and a climax or high point. For adults and children of catechetical age this is participating in the celebration of Baptism (if it is required), Confirmation and Eucharist in the one liturgy, usually at the Easter Vigil.
- In our Parish the RCIA journey involves six months of teaching sessions, using a resource called “Evangelium”, 8 formal rituals, various Catholic experiences, personal prayer and reflection on the Word, usually the weekly readings.
- We have an RCIA team and sponsors to journey with our candidates.
(Team Leader: Alain Corne)