What is Hospitality?
- We meet parishioners as they arrive for Mass
- We ensure everyone feels welcome
- We encourage the creation of a warm and friendly community
- We look after Morning Tea for parishioners each first Sunday after 9:30 Mass.
Meet and Greet
At 6.00pm Vigil Mass on Saturday and also at the 8.00am, 9.30am and 5.00pm Masses on Sunday members of the team welcome parishioners as they arrive at the church and hand them a bulletin.

Welcome to New Parishioners
First Sunday of the Month Morning Tea
Team Leaders: Sandra and Michael Carter
On the First Sunday of each month, the Parish hosts a Morning Tea after 9:30 am Mass which is catered by the Hospitality Ministry. All parishioners and visitors are welcome to attend.
In addition, the Hospitality Ministry is called on to look after catering at many special functions and events that take place in our Parish. For example – our Parish Family Day and Celebrating the Ministries.