The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body, consisting of the clergy of the parish and a group of parishioners, whom the pastor consults by reason of their knowledge, competence, or pre-eminence, in order to know his people more profoundly.
The aim of the Pastoral Council is to make the life and activity of the parish ever more closely conform to the gospel; and seeks to enrich the quality of parish life by providing parishioners with opportunities to grow in holiness, and to discover and live out their personal and community call to discipleship, to live as Catholics, who effectively transform society. It assists the parish’s apostolic work and may coordinate various independent lay associations and initiatives. The members of the Pastoral Council offer wise counsel, and assist the pastor of the parish, in planning a pastoral programme, which he is able to implement, knowing it reflects the wisdom of the local community.
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday evening of each month, after Mass at 7.00pm and there are ten meetings each year.

Mary Jordan, Chairperson
Clare Karibika, Secretary
Selma Boehm |
Rebecca Mercardo |
Bernard Cumming |
Cynthia Nolasco |
PJ Sinda |