Presently, these are our involvements:
- We visit the sick at Gosford Private Hospital
- We provide meals at CoastShelter
- St Vincent de Paul has many areas of assistance for the needy of our local community
Friends of the Sick (Team Leader: Maree Laming)
Each Friday morning a member of the team visits Gosford Private Hospital and obtains a list of all patients who are Catholic.
The patients are visited and asked if they would like to receive Holy Communion on the following Sunday morning. The list is passed on to the Parish office.
CoastShelter (Team Leader: Norah Marland)
On the fourth Saturday of each month a team goes into CoastShelter in Mann Street, Gosford to prepare a lunchtime hot and nourishing meal for the people who come.
The number varies but is usually between 60 and 100 meals.
Wyoming Conference, St Vincent de Paul (Team Leader: Jim Power)
We meet people needing assistance and when necessary we have vouchers available for energy accounts, medical scripts, food and help by various other means.
Most of all we give people some encouragement, self-esteem and a hand up over a tough period in their lives.
The local group at work:

At a staff meeting

Writing vouchers for groceries, clothing and electricity bills

Registering a client for assistance

Making and recycling furniture at the well-equipped St. Joseph's Workshop in West Gosford