Parish Priest
Fr Ireneusz Czech SDS (Fr Irek)
Pymble welcomes Fr Ireneusz
Homilies by Fr Ireneusz
Fr Ireneusz at Youtube
Fr Ireneusz at Amazon
Parish Secretary
Daniela Foote
Assistant Parish Secretary
Claudia Chen
CCD* Coordinator
Rebecca Lloyd-Jones
Sacramental Coordinator
Rebecca Lloyd-Jones
The post-nominal letters "SDS" identify the Society of the Divine Saviour, or, the Salvatorians. The Society was founded by Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan in Rome on 8 December 1881. The Salvatorians also include the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Saviour and the Lay Salvatorians.
* Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, religious education program
Parish Contact Points
The Parish office is located at:
2 Richard Porter Way Pymble NSW 2073
Access map of the office location
Parish office hours:
Monday to Thursday, from 9am to 4pm
Friday, from 9am to 1pm
Postal address:
PO Box 231 Turramurra NSW 2074
(02) 9144 2702
To make email contact with Parish clergy or staff, please use the contact form below. You may attention your message to any of the clergy or staff and you may attach a file in addition to your message.