Altar Servers
Children who have received their First Holy Communion and who have an interest in the role of alter server within the parish are encouraged to become involved.
The altar server is believed to have existed, in various forms, from as early as the third century. Altar servers have an important role assisting the priests. The community see altar servers as role models by their involvement and the reverence they show. It is a humble and reverend way of contributing to the mass.
Applications to serve forms are located at the back of both churches and can be downloaded from the link below. Please return completed forms to the parish office by email (see below), or by using the Web contact form, or pass the form directly to one of our priests.
Pymble Parish Altar Servers Application Form
(PDF 84.5KB)
For further information, please contact the parish office below.
Altar Society
The Altar Society is a volunteer group responsible for the arrangement of the flowers for the Mass and the maintenance of the altar.
No prior experience is required for anyone willing to assist in this ministry.
The commitment is for just four to five times a year on a roster basis and volunteers work in pairs.
Please contact the parish office if you are interested in supporting this work.
Projector Ministry
The Projector Ministry at the parish is for the display of lyrics and selected parts of the liturgy of the Mass. Sacred Heart Church and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church each run independently with their own rosters and systems.
Both churches (Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Perpetual Succour) use custom projection software designed for church requirements.
Within the Parish, the OpenLP application is used to drive church projectors. Further details for the application is available below.
OpenLP operating manual
If you would like to assist the team of volunteers who run the projectors at the various weekend masses, please contact the Parish office.