Welcome to the Pymble Catholic Parish
We love to meet new people in our parish. We invite all new parishioners to share their contact details with us.
There is a Parish Household Registration Form available at the entrance of the church, or you can access it via the link below. The form asks for your contact details, who is in your family and what you might be interested in getting involved in within the parish. There are many ways in which you can be involved and feel part of your parish.
Document: Parish Household Registration Form (PDF 189.7KB)
We encourage all Parishioners to participate in the planned giving program which supports the operation of the parish. A related application form is available at the link below.
Document: Planned Giving Application Form (PDF 189.2KB)
The parish uses Flocknote as a communications tool. Further Flocknote information is available by following this link.
If you need any assistance or have questions then please contact the Parish office.