Parish Events

Station clock

Continuing Events stamp

Continuing Events

Schedule of continuing events of interest to the Parish

The Bible stamp

The Bible

Series: In eight parts, Unlocking the mysteries of the Bible

The light is on

The Light is On

During Lent: Join us for quiet prayer and reflection before Easter

Baptism stamp

Baptism Information

13 April 2025: Baptism information at the Sacred Heart church Pymble

Men's Fellowship 2 stamp

Men's Fellowship

2 April 2025: You are invited to join the MenALIVE ministry in Pymble

Golf Day stamp

Golf Day

28 March 2025: Parish golf day for avid golfers and novices alike, followed by dinner

Diary stamp

Weekly Calendar

22 March 2025: The parish week in summary

Ladies Dinner stamp

Ladies Dinner

21 March 2025: Invitation to a Parish ladies dinner night

Bishop of Bunbury stamp

Episcopal Ordination

19 March 2025: The Episcopal Ordination of Fr George Kolodziej SDS in Bunbury WA

St Patrick stamp

St Patrick's Day

17 March 2025: We celebrate St Patrick's Day

Wine Tasting stamp

Wine and Cheese

15 March 2025: Invitation to Wine and Cheese Together after Mass

Rite of Election 2021 stamp

Rite of Election 2025

9 March 2025: Invitation to join in with our Catechumens for their Rite of Election celebration

Christmas Ecumenical Prayer Service stamp

Ecumenical Service

7 March 2025 Ecumenical Prayer Service, Ku Ring Gai Interchurch Committee

Serra stamp

Serra Vocations

27 February 2025: Come along to support and encourage vocations

Men's Dinner stamp

Men's Dinner

21 February 2025: Invitation to a Parish dinner for men