Welcome to Our Lady of Dolours

Dear friends,

Welcome to Our Lady of Dolours Chatswood!

From my first days in our parish I have been excited by the richness of our parish community.

We are only truly urban, the most multicultural, and largest parish in our Diocese of Broken Bay. We are a regional hub, to which many people come and leave from wide and far, including over 2,000 students to the three schools in our precinct: Our Lady of Dolours primary school, Mercy College, and Pius X College.

Consequently, we are a place of welcome for many people and we wish you to know that you, too, are welcome as part of our parish family.

We are entering an exciting period in the life of our parish community. Established in 1910 we are now in our second century. There is great spirit of involvement. There is much to build upon! And there is great opportunity to develop our church, our community, and our pastoral and education precinct at the service of sharing the good news that Christ lives even now.

We are pleased that you might be a part of this new future.

Do take a little time to consider all the various ways that are open for your engagement and nourishment through all the stages of life.

Explore our website, and particularly have a look through our parish directory and our weekly parish bulletin.

We know that our parish will be stronger by your participation.

May Mary, the mother of the Lord, to whom our church is dedicated embrace you with her tender welcome and hospitality, and lead you through the witness of our community to Jesus her Son.

Fr David Ranson PP VG