Children's Liturgy is when the children leave the congregation to celebrate and reflect on the Sunday Gospel reading in an age appropriate way. The readings are the same as what the adult congregation is hearing in the church, but adapted to the children's level of understanding. We currently offer Children's Liturgy at the 9am Family Mass.
The children are 'sent forth' at the beginning of mass and move to a nearby school classroom for their own 'Liturgy of the Word'. They return to the church before the 'Liturgy of the Eucharist' begins.
Why join?
If you asked any parent why their child attends 'Childrens Liturgy', you would probably hear things like;
- Because they enjoy it
- They like coming to Mass when Children's Liturgy is on
- I can listen to the readings and homily without the children asking when it is time to go home!
The reality is that attending Mass is part of being a Catholic family. Mass is a celebration of worship for the whole Catholic family. Children's Liturgy is a way of helping children enter into this celebration more fully by catering to their specific needs.
Other benefits of Children's Liturgy is to help form and build peer relationships within the parish community. Children attending our parish come from many different schools and backgrounds. As a parish community, we want to support these children to create friendships that will build and sustain their faith as they grow.
This is a parent led ministry
As such, we encourage parents to get to know the Children's Liturgy leaders and to offer support as either a helper or leader. For further information or to get involved, please contact;
Angela at the parish office on 9410 9033 or email at: Angela.Hague@bbcatholic.org.au