Our Youth Leaders:
Bettina Ignacio
Riya Karkera
Joseph Liem
Jenevieve Liem
Monti Calimbahin
Sienna Klarica
Daven Fajilan

Foundation Youth Ministry is made up of:

Cornerstone Youth Group
This youth group is geared towards the needs of students in year 5 to 8 and aims to provide attendees with foundational knowledge of their faith whilst contributing to the development of strong friendships.
The name of our youth group has a strong scriptural basis, particularly in the passage: "The stone that the builder's rejected has become the cornerstone: (Psalm 118:22), which foreshadows Jesus' rejection and subsequent crucification and resurrection which is now the basis of our faith.

Keystone Youth Group
This youth group is directed towards students in year 9 to 12 and aims to build on the knowledge instilled in the attendees younger years of formation by centering presentations and discussions around more sophisticated theological doctrines.
The name of our youth group is based on our awareness of knowledge as the key to actively practising the Catholic faith. Usually when adherents are 'bored' in mass or lack engagement with other aspects of the faith, it is due to a lack of understanding of the purpose, symbolism or background of how we worship Christ. Keystone youth group provides an environment where attendees can explore and understand their faith.

Capstone Young Adults Group
Capstone young adults (which is also open to year 12 students now) aims to build a community of young adults that help each other to grow closer to Christ discovering the beauty of faith. The talks are led by participants and parish clergy on topics that concern living out the Catholic faith in today’s world. The group is animated and coordinated by Youth Minister Bettina Ignacio and Fr Marek Woldan with great involvement of its participants.
The name of this group refers to the pursuit of adulthood in faith, not only in the sphere of knowledge, but above all in the sphere of decision-making in the spirit of surrendering to the will of God which is the culmination of our path of faith.