Our Lady of Dolours Parish Ministry Directory
This is a comprehensive listing of the many diverse ministries in our parish - ministries which emerge from our baptismal call to follow Christ. These ministries actively support our priests, meet the needs of our people and give life to our community in Christ.
The capacity of any parish to nourish and support its community is directly related to its sense of mission, its collective passion and commitment, and the availability of relevant information and resources.
I hope you will use this Ministry Directory to learn about the work of our Parish and the many ways in which our people serve God and each other. You will find it useful in identifying the support services available to you, or in finding suitable ways for you to contribute to or become actively involved in your community.
Click here to open our Parish Ministry Directory.
Be part of the life and mission of our parish!
I hope you will also take this opportunity to reflect on the extraordinary gifts that God has given us both individually, and as a community and consider what we might give in return. The heart and soul of being good stewards is that we receive God's gifts gratefully, cherish and tend them in a responsible and accountable manner, share them in justice and love with others, and return them with an increase to the Lord.
Our Ministry Directory outlines many different ways for you to nourish your faith and that of others. You are invited to reflect thoughtfully on what these ministries mean for you. Each contact person listed herein will gladly receive a call from anyone needing support or wish to use their time, talent or treasure to provide support, no matter how small.
Would you like to...
Assist with teaching the faith to children in state schools?
Get involved with the youth and young adults of the parish?
Join a prayer group? Pray for special intentions of the parish?
Assist with Children's Liturgy and Children's Masses?
Be an altar server? Care for the sanctuary? Assist in the Piety Stall?
Help count the collections on Sundays?
Participate in marriage enrichment programs?
Support a mothers' group?
Join a discussion group on faith issues?
Dialogue with other Christians?
Mix socially with other families?
Gather with other senior parishioners?
Help with parish finances?
Participate in Marian devotions?
Help organise liturgies?
Assist with visiting and bringing communion to the sick and housebound?
Join the Parish Pastoral Council and help chart the parish's future?
Proclaim God's Word by reading at Mass?
Help with one of the Sacramental Programs?
Join a team of people who welcome those who are becoming Catholics and assist them on their journey in faith?
Help those in material need?
Be involved in social justice initiatives?
Welcome new parishioners?
What Gift can you offer the parish?
Organisational/management skills?
Financial and business skills?
People-skills? The gift of the gab?
A gift with a pen/computer?
Artistic skills? Graphic artist?
Good with children? With youth?
Good with young parents? With the elderly?
A 'sense of family'? A sense of faith?
Dramatic talents? Media and communications skills? IT expertise?
Experience in a particular area of church ministry?
Persistent prayer? Hospitality talents? A positive 'can-do' attitude?
Theological training? Teacher training?
A passion for justice? A heart for nature, the environment?
Politically savvy? A strong awareness of the church's role in society?
Vision, imagination and insight? A keenintellectt?
A great smile? A great faith?
A deep love for Jesus and the people of the Church?
... Whatever your gift, come and share it with our parish community.