This sacrament is a sign and experience of God's unconditional forgiveness. We are called to be one people united with Christ and one another. Sadly, in our weakness, this unity is often ruptured through failures to love (i.e. we sin). Yet God's love for us does not cease when we fail. By expressing our sorrow for our sin in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we experience forgiveness and healing. Our relationship with God and our unity as Church is made whole again.
Reconciliation is offered in two ways in the parish
- First Rite: A one-to-one interaction with the priest, in the reconciliation room ('confessional') which is located in the church
- Second Rite: A communal ceremony which also includes a brief one-to-one interaction with the priest as sins are confessed and absolved
Reconciliation is a sacrament which can be celebrated repeatedly throughout one's life, and indeed Catholics are encouraged to receive this sacrament frequently. They are obliged to receive this sacrament at least once a year.
Reconciliation First Rite
Held every Saturday 9:30am - 10:30am, and Thursday nights at 7pm. More often during the seasons of Advent and Lent, and anytime by appointment.
Communal Reconciliation ceremonies (Second Rite)
Held before Christmas and Easter and at other times of the year, as publicised in the parish bulletin.
First Reconciliation for Children
In our parish children usually, make their First Reconciliation after Confirmation. They prepare for this through the Children's Sacramental Program. Please note that Reconciliation must be celebrated before First Holy Communion. Further information can be found on the Children's Sacramental Program page.