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Our Lady of Guadalupe stamp

Our Lady of Guadalupe

We celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of unborn children

Advent Companion stamp

Advent Companion

A booklet to support our preparation for the birth of Jesus at Christmas

Examples quotation stamp


A reflection on meaningful examples to follow by St Philip Neri

Peacemakers stamp


"Peacemakers", invitation to join a novena of prayer for peace

Fr Peter Welcome stamp

Fr Peter Welcome

We welcome Fr Peter Staryszak to Pymble

Three Comings stamp

Three Comings

Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the teaching of a very wise Benedictine nun

Little Steps Quotation stamp

Little Steps

A reflection on the value of every little step by St Francis de Sales

Commissioning Mass stamp

Commissioning Mass

The St Vincent de Paul Society Pymble Conference welcomes new members

Generosity Quotation stamp


A reflection on generosity by St Ignatius de Loyola

Footprints Mass stamp

Footprints Mass

Invitation to join a special Mass for our deceased children through pregnancy loss

Listening in Rome stamp

Listening in Rome

Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the recent Synod in Rome

Diaconal Ordination stamp

Diaconal Ordination

Invitation to join the Diaconal Ordination of Joseph Martin Hien Vu

We will remember stamp

We Will Remember

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them

ANZAC Day 2020 stamp

Remembrance Day

They gave their today for our tomorrow

Danger of Silence stamp

Danger of Silence

A reflection on the danger of silence by St Ambrose of Milan

Hamper stamp

Christmas and Hamper Appeal

Christmas support for people in need

Our Faith stamp

Our Faith

Vatican correspondent and Pope Francis expert, Christopher White speaking in Parramatta

Synod Conclusion stamp

Synod Conclusion

Glimpse into the closing session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops