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Pastoral Works stamp 2

Pastoral Works

Appeal for Pastoral Works Broken Bay supporting pastoral services to Broken Bay communities

Identity Quotation stamp


Saints have one thing in common, they were who they were and they did it very well

May Rosary stamp

May Rosary

In May we honour Our Blessed Mother praying the rosary via Zoom

Imitation stamp


The goal of the Christian life is perfect imitation of God

ANZAC Day 2020 stamp


They gave their today for our tomorrow

Confirmation Name stamp

Confirmation Name

Please pray for our Confirmation children in the name of their selected saint

The Universe stamp

The Universe

A reflection on God's work by St Thomas Aquinas

Human Dignity stamp

Human Dignity

Bishop Robert Barron comments on the Roots of Human Dignity

Prayer for Vocations stamp

Prayer for Vocations

A world day of prayer for vocations

Increasing Vocations stamp

Increasing Vocations

Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the need to increase vocations

Righteous Quotation stamp


Expressing a determination to be righteous by St Thérèse of Lisieux

Outlook Quotation stamp


Encouragement to look to the future by St Anthony of Padua

Parish Priests stamp

Parish Priests

A global assembly of parish priests

Faithful Quotation stamp


An encouragement to remain faithful to the Lord by St Boniface

Together Quotation stamp


A reflection on the mutual value of acting together by St Augustine of Hippo

Palm Sunday 2 stamp

Palm Sunday

Entry by Jesus into Jerusalem and his greeting with palm branches

Easter People stamp

Easter People

Speaking in Adelaide in November 1986, Pope John Paul II reflected on the Paschal Mystery

Mystery of Divine Mercy stamp

Mystery of Divine Mercy

Pope John Paul II and the Mystery of Divine Mercy