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Francis Jordan Beatified stamp

Perth Mass

Thanksgiving Mass for the Salvatorian 2021 Year celebrations online at St Mary's Cathedral Perth

Way of Beauty stamp

Way of Beauty

Bay Connect: We explore in depth the concept of beauty as an intricate and complex wonder

Ageing Well stamp

Ageing Well

A five week series designed to help you navigate some of the issues around ageing

Marian Apparitions stamp

Marian Apparitions

Bay Connect: Marian Apparitions 101 event with Br Bernard

Safeguarding Month stamp

Safeguarding Month

Supporting the participation of children and young people in Catholic communities

Parenting Children course stamp

Parenting Children

An online multi part course on parenting young children

Books stamp

Short Book List

A short book list to help with your lockdown isolation

Welcoming Artwork stamp

Welcoming Artwork

A new set of modern-day artworks recognising St Mary MacKillop

Teacher Experiences stamp

Teacher Experiences

A new book from a teacher in the Catholic education system

Financial Support stamp

Financial Support

Parish operations continue even though the doors are closed

Bay Connect stamp

Bay Connect

A series of online events supporting spiritual connections during lockdown

Bible Study stamp

Bible Study

The Pymble Parish Bible Study group meets weekly and online

Census 2021 stamp

Census 2021

Your Catholic identity is important

Body Like Me stamp

Body Like Me

A book by a catechist introduces theology of the body to children

Vaccination stamp


We owe it to our family, friends and the wider community

Thrive by Five stamp

Thrive by Five

Molly Wright explains to the world why it is important for adults to connect with children

Imagine stamp


Bishop Robert Barron, the Tokyo Olympics and a popular music hit

ACMG 2020 stamp

Men’s Gathering

Australian Catholic Men’s Gathering presented as a digital delivery