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Sacred Heart stamp

Sacred Heart Feast

We celebrate the feast day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Corpus Christi stamp

Corpus Christi

We praise and honour the Lord's presence in the Blessed Sacrament

Mary Star of the Sea stamp

Mary Star of the Sea

We celebrate Mary Star of the Sea, the Patroness of the Broken Bay Diocese

An Example Quortation stamp

An Example

If we want the world to be better, it's up to us to make it so by setting an example

Global Rosary stamp 2

Rosary Relay

Annual Global Rosary Relay for the sanctification of priests

SVDP stamp

Winter Appeal

St Vincent de Paul Society Winter Appeal seeking to help those in need

Thank You stamp

Volunteer Thank You

Thank you to all of our volunteers who make an important contribution to the Parish

Friendship Quotation stamp


A reflection on friendship by St Jerome

Consultation 2024 stamp

Consultation 2024

Australian Synod of Bishops 2024 local and national consultation publication

National Pilgrimage stamp

National Pilgrimage

Invitation to join The National Pilgrimage, "In the Footsteps of Mary MacKillop"

Gloomy Saints Quotation stamp

Gloomy Saints

While some may have faith, do they translate that into joy and happiness

Jason Evert stamp

Jason Evert

Invitation to "Finding your soulmate without losing your soul"

Mary Undoer of Knots stamp

Mary Undoer of Knots

A devotion to Mary with a novena of prayers to Mary Undoer of Knots

Perseverance Quotation stamp


It is sometimes better to just commit; it may be hard, it may be tough, but there is joy and celebration in the end

Mothers stamp 2

Mother's Day

Best wishes to all of our mothers on this Mother's Day

Our Lady of Fátima stamp

Our Lady of Fátima

The Blessed Virgin Mary appears in 1917 before three shepherd children at the Cova da Iria, Fátima, Portugal

Month of Mary stamp

Month of Mary

May is the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Domestic Violence stamp

Domestic Violence

No-one can remain silent in the face of violence