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Formed Holy Week stamp

FORMED Holy Week

A presentation of curated resources for Holy Week

Holy Week stamp

Holy Week

In Holy Week we will walk with Jesus

Formed Easter stamp


A presentation of curated resources for Easter

The Bulmans stamp

Meet the Bulmans 11

Rachel and Jason Bulman take a family outing

FORMED stamp


A service initiative for the Parish

The Bulmans stamp

Meet the Bulmans 10

Rachel and Jason Bulman contemplate a medical scare

Science and Religion stamp

Science and Religion

Bishop Robert Barron discusses the supposed conflict between science and religion

The Bulmans stamp

Meet the Bulmans 9

Rachel and Jason Bulman reflect on freedom in leisure and work

Seeking Peace stamp

Seeking Peace

We pray to Mary seeking peace in the world

How it Started stamp

How it Started

The vocation stories of Bishop Robert Barron and Fr Mike Schmitz

Pray for Displaced stamp

Pray for Displaced

Pope Francis offers a prayer to St Joseph for those displaced by war

The Bulmans stamp

Meet the Bulmans 8

Rachel and Jason Bulman share the beauty of Baptism

Parish Priest 2022 stamp

Parish Priest

We welcome into our community our new Parish priest

Position Vacant stamp

Changes in Pymble

New assignments for the Pymble clergy

Never War stamp

Never War

The Pope calls for an end to war

Bach's Easter Oratorio stamp

Bach's Easter Oratorio

An opportunity for an afternoon of Bach in Chatswood

NSW Floods stamp

NSW Floods

Appeal in support of the NSW flood victims

The Bulmans stamp

Meet the Bulmans 7

Rachel Bulman shares the story of her adoption and the fruits of that experience