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Winter Help stamp

Winter Help

Please help the Vinnies Winter appeal

Parish music stamp

Music Coordinator

Would you like to be involved in our Parish music program

Faith stamp


A reflection on Faith by St Augustine of Hippo (354 – 430 AD)

Reconciliation Presentation stamp

Reconciliation Presentation

Presentation of Pymble Parish Reconciliation candidates

Confirmation Name stamp

Confirmation 2023

We congratulate the children of our parish who were confirmed on Sunday

Every Little Step Quotation stamp

Every Little Step

St Francis de Sales reflecting on the value of just one small step

Oxygen of the Soul stamp

Oxygen of the Soul

St Pio of Pietrelcino reflects on the value of prayer

Pymble Sizzle stamp

Pymble Sizzle

Invitation to visit the St Vincent de Paul Pymble Conference Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings Pymble

Alpha 2023 stamp

Alpha Now

Your invitation to the current Alpha 2023 with the Pymble parish

Confirmation Presentation stamp

Confirmation Presentation

Presentation of Pymble Parish Confirmation candidates

Confirmation 2023 stamp

Confirmation Program

The annual Parish Sacramental Program for children has started

Regional Appointment stamp

Regional Appointment

Bishop Anthony Randazzo appointed to an additional new regional role

Understanding Divine Mercy stamp

Understanding Divine Mercy

Fr Chris Alar explains the teaching of Jesus as given to St Faustina

Eucharist Quotation stamp

Holy Eucharist

Pope Pius X reflects on the Eucharist

Christ Inclusive Quotation stamp

Christ Inclusive

Pope John Paul II asks that we include Christ in our everyday activity

Easter Message stamp

Easter Message

Easter message from Bishop Anthony Randazzo

Fleeting Moments Quotation stamp

Fleeting Moments

A reflection on the value of every passing moment by St Marianne Cope

Guiding Principles stamp

Guiding Principles

Bishop Robert Barron speaks in London on his five guiding principles