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Simplicity quotation stamp


A reflection on simplicity by St Elizabeth Ann Seton

Thank You Pymble Logo stamp

Thank You

Thank you to our Parish priests for their dedication serving our Pymble community

Priest stamp

Support Your Priest Sunday

Catholic priests commemorate their ordination on or near the feast of St John Mary Vianney

Combating Homelessness stamp

CatholicCare Appeal

We encourage support for the homelessness services offered by CatholicCare

St John Vianney stamp

St John Vianney

We celebrate the feast day of St John Vianney, patron saint of parish priests

Prayer for Vocations stamp

Vocation Awareness

National Vocation Awareness Week is a special opportunity to seek guidance on how God is calling

Benefit Dinner stamp

Benefit Dinner

Invitation to a benefit dinner for our Broken Bay seminarians

St Mary Magdalene stamp

St Mary Magdalene

St Mary Magdelene, one of the most prominent women mentioned in the New Testament

Presence of God stamp

Presence of God

A reflection on the presence of God by St Mary MacKillop

Mary MacKillop stamp

St Mary MacKillop

Celebrating the feast of St Mary MacKillop (1842 - 1909)

Francis Jordan stamp

Francis Jordan

We celebrate the feast day of Blessed Francis Jordan (1848-1918)

Mary MacKillop Comments stamp

Mary MacKillop Comments

Pope Francis comments on the work of St Mary MacKillop

Future stamp


A reflection on the future by Pope St John Paul II

Salvation stamp


For us and for our salvation, He came down from heaven

WYD 2023 stamp

WYD Pymble

An opportunity to support our Parish World Youth Day representatives

St Thomas More stamp

St Thomas More

Bishop Robert Barron reflects on the life of St Thomas More

Sacred Heart stamp

Sacred Heart

Celebration of the liturgical solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, symbol of God’s love and mercy for humanity

Planned Giving stamp

Planned Giving Program

Invitation to participate in the Parish Planned Giving program