Fr Christopher Kowalczyk elected Salvatorian Superior General
We are delighted to be able to announce that Fr Christopher Kowalczyk SDS has been elected to the position of Superior General of the Society of the Divine Saviour, the Salvatorians. Fr Chris succeeds Fr Milton Zonta SDS in the role.
Our congratulations to Fr Chris and our best wishes to him for his six year term leading the Society.
Fr Chris, age 61, is from Poland, he took his first vows on 8 September 1983 and was ordained in 1989. He is currently serving as the parish priest in the Kadina Parish in the Diocese of Port Pirie SA. He served as assistant parish priest in Pymble from 2019 to 2022.
We pray for Fr Chris and ask that God bless his work in service of the Society and guide him during his term of office.
The Salvatorian Superior General holds the highest office of the Society with authority over all administrative functions, houses, and individual members. The Superior General works with a governing Council containing the Vicar General and three consultors. Together, they promote the spirit of the Society and foster international unity directing and coordinating the activities of the entire Society.
The General Chapter of the Society, made up of representatives from all units of the Society worldwide, meets every six years and is responsible for electing the Superior General and his Council, as well as setting direction and priorities for the Society. The General Chapter can make changes to the Society's rules, subject to the approval of the Holy See.
The election result was released on 3 August 2024 at the 20th General Chapter of the Society now in progress at the Salvatorian Spiritual Formation Centre in Kraków, Poland. The event started on 21 July and continues to 20 August 2024. Australia is represented by Fr George Kolodziej SDS and Fr Christopher Kowalczyk SDS.
Announcement of the election of the Superior General (PDF 187.2KB)
Further information on the Salvatorian community