Stand for Life II

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Stand for Life

2:30pm to 5pm
Sunday, 15 September 2019
Hyde Park
Elizabeth Street Sydney
(Meet at the Archibald Fountain)

Stand For Life in opposition to an extreme abortion bill.

The NSW Parliament is about to legislate for abortion on demand till birth, one of the most extreme abortion laws in the world. The Bill has already been pushed through the Legislative Assembly and will be debated again in the Legislative Council from Tuesday, 17 September.

Join in peaceful protest against this radical proposed legislation.

With this Bill:

  • Children can be aborted for any reason right up till the final moments of a pregnancy.
  • Amendments to protect children who survive failed abortion attempts were defeated.
  • There are no safeguards to prevent selective abortion based on gender or disability.
  • Doctors and medical staff are compelled to participate (by referral) in the taking of an innocent life.
  • The devastating impact of abortion on women and the real needs of women facing an unplanned pregnancy have been ignored.

This Bill was rushed into the Parliament, with no consultation, in an attempt to curb community backlash. Numerous attempts to improve the Bill in Parliament have been overruled. We cannot allow this to stand.

This is the last opportunity to show how you feel about this extremist Bill.

All are welcome, including families.

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