Social Justice Sunday 2020

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Social Justice Sunday 2020

To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today

The Catholic bishops of Australia have released the Social Justice Statement 2020-21, on the critical subject of mental health, in the lead-up to Social Justice Sunday on 30 August 2020.

The, To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today statement, encourages faith communities, governments and individuals to make mental health a priority.

This is a timely message in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic is affecting many within our parishes, schools and communities.

The personal feelings of anxiety and despair we all share at this time provide an opportunity to become more aware and active in fostering the mental health of all. Understanding mental health will help us to be aware of those who most need our support.

The Statement encourages parishes and local communities to be places that welcome and include, overcoming barriers and stigma often faced by people experiencing mental ill-health. It demands the commitment of governments and policy-makers to prevent people falling through the cracks of the mental health system.

It also calls for a national commitment to address policies that exacerbate already precarious circumstances of First Australians, refugees and asylum-seekers.

Society tends to push away or draw away from those who confront us with our frailties and limitations. This is not the way of Jesus. Let us follow Jesus in drawing near to those who are experiencing mental ill-health and acknowledge that they are members of the Body of Christ - "they" are part of "us". Only then can we say "we are all in this together". Only then can we "live life to the full".

In addition to the written statement, an audio recording of the statement is available. Prayer cards and liturgical resources are available to mark Social Justice Sunday on 30 August.

The 2020-21 Social Justice Statement, To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today and related resources are available at the link below.

2020-21 Social Justice Statement and associated resources

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Office for Social Justice