Security Alert

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Cyber Security Alert: Gift Card Scam

We are aware of email messages claiming to be from our Parish priest. The messages present a sense of urgency, seek to avoid telephone contact, and ask for gift cards to be purchased. These messages are an attempted malicious confidence trick. It is known as an affinity fraud impersonating a trusted figure.

Scam emails normally carry an email address similar to that of the person or organisation being impersonated. Authorised email from any clergy or staff within the Parish will be from "". Any contact relating to sensitive or discrete matters will be made directly by telephone.

If you receive any messages of this type, please do not respond to them and do not click any link. The messages should be deleted.

Scams may be reported to the ACCC via their report a scam service. Your report can help the ACCC warn people about current scams, monitor trends and disrupt scams where possible. When reporting any scam you should include details of the contact you received, for example, emails or screen images.

Cyber Protection

  • Approach the Parish office directly if you wish to make a donation or offer support.
  • Never send money or give personal information, credit card details or online account details to anyone you don’t know or trust.
  • Avoid any arrangement with a stranger that asks for advance payment via money order, wire transfer, bank transfer, pre-loaded card or electronic currency like Bitcoin. It is rare to be able to recover money sent via these methods.

Little Black Book of Scams

The Little Black Book of Scams is recognised as an important tool for consumers and businesses. The black book provides information about scams including:

  • the most common scams to watch for;
  • the different ways scammers can contact you;
  • the tools scammers use to trick you;
  • the warning signs;
  • how to protect yourself; and
  • where you can find help.

The ACCC Little Black Book of Scams

For further information, or if you have received one of these messages, please contact the Parish office.

Additional information is available from the Australian Cyber Security Centre at the link below. Never miss a threat: At the Australian Cyber Security Centre site you can register for their cyber security alerts and receive information on threats and how to keep yourself secure online.