You are here:HomePymbleNews and EventsParish News Salvatorians Regional Chapter Meeting Perth During the week of 10 March 2025, the Salvatorian Regional Chapter met in Currambine WA (Perth) as part of a spiritual and business assembly. The Salvatorians from around Australia gathered together at the Salvatorian Spirituality Centre. The retreat began with the hymn of the Holy Spirit. The retreat master was emeritus bishop Robert McGuckin of Toowoomba who gave a reflection on: "Religious priests in 2025 - Now is the Acceptable Time" (2 Corinthians 6:2). The meeting was also time to celebrate the pending Episcopal Ordination of Fr George Kolodziej SDS as the Fifth Bishop of Bunbury WA. At the end of Mass, Fr Kolodziej was sent into the future with a blessing from those present. Fr Kolodziej has served 31 years in ministry as a Salvatorian priest and has led the Salvatorian Australian region over the last seven years. Congratulations to Fr Kolodziej and we thank each of our Salvatorians for their ministry over many years in Australia. A selection of photographs from the gathering is given below.