Religious Education 2020

Religious Education 2020 banner

Special Religious Education Programs

Special Religious Education (or SRE) is an important ministry within the Parish supporting parents and students in the religious education of students attending government schools.

Unfortunately, coronavirus has had an impact on this important ministry. At the end of March the NSW Department of Education advised that all Religious Education was to pause. As we emerge from these restrictions, Religious Education is now back in schools from the beginning of Term 3. Unfortunately, many of those involved in the ministry fit into the vulnerable category according to health guidelines.

We need your help.

Do you have a calling to spread the good news and joy of the Gospels to children?

Are you able to be there to support children in the Religious Education classroom and the Catechists who are unable to return?

If you would like to know ...

  • Why some become a catechist?
  • What you need to do to become a catechist? or
  • What you receive from being a catechist?

then please come along and find out more in a personal chat with Melanie Benbow, our Sacramental Coordinator. You may contact Melanie via the Parish office.

Introduction to the vital connection of our Catechists with our children

Further information on our religious education programs

Religious Education is often referred to as "Scripture" and Religious Education volunteers may also be referred to as Catechists or Scripture Teachers.