Pentecost Pilgrimage

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Pentecost Pilgrimage 2020

A world wide digital Pentecost pilgrimage

26 April – 31 May 2020

You are invited to join Catholics around the world in a Global Pentecost Pilgrimage.

When the disciples left Jerusalem we might ask "what did they do"? "where did they go"? In many ways, this digital pilgrimage to the Upper Room will resemble the disciples.

Whether we are in a real pilgrimage or a virtual pilgrimage, what’s important is not so much the "where" and the "how" it"s about "who".

Our time together on this pilgrimage is about to "who" we are moving towards, with each step and each talk. Just as the disciples did, we will encounter our risen Jesus on our pilgrimage many times before we arrive in the Upper Room for Pentecost.

The Church has a great history and love of pilgrimages. As early as Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430), we find in his writings reference to "pilgrimage" which he describes as a Christian spiritual journey, a kind of self-imposed exile of the pilgrim in which he searches for God's Truth in his wanderings while visiting the holy shrines of the Faith.

Register at the link below for access to pilgrimage material published every Wednesday and Sunday for six weeks.

Registration provides:

  • All pilgrimage video talks.
  • On-demand chat sites for each talk and speaker biographies.
  • More than 20 engaging presentations from ministry leaders, authors and Holy Spirit theologians.


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