Our Catechists

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Thank you to all of our 2022 catechists

Thank you to all of our catechists who share one of their most valuable resources with our community: their time.

More than 100 catechists, their families and priests of the Broken Bay Diocese joined Bishop Anthony Randazzo on Sunday, 6 November 2022 for the annual Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD Broken Bay) Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral in Waitara.

It was a very happy occasion with the opportunity to thank our dedicated catechists and their families whose ongoing voluntary support affirms the ministry of Special Religious Education as they pass on their faith to our Catholic children in the public schools of the Diocese.

Congratulations to the 40 catechists who received service awards for 15 years and more of service.

Thank you to all of our catechists for all that you do and thank you to your supporting families.

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The Catechism Lesson by Jules-Alexis Meunier, 1890