NSW Floods

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Northern NSW floods, an unprecedented natural disaster

Northern NSW has just experienced the most remarkable weather patterns resulting in widespread flooding.

Towns throughout north-eastern NSW are experiencing an unprecedented natural disaster, catastrophic in Lismore itself and extending to other areas such as Tweed Heads, Ballina, Casino, Woodburn and Grafton.

In a situation the Lismore mayor described as “diabolical” the town’s flood waters reached more than 14 metres on 28 February, submerging homes and businesses and killing at least five people.

In a very moving account of the situation, at the link below, Bishop Gregory Homeming, Bishop of Lismore, offers a message of comfort, support and hope to the people of Northern NSW.

Message from Bishop Gregory Homeming, Diocese of Lismore

The St Vincent de Paul Society has established a specific appeal to help the people of northern NSW. The link below may be used to donate to the appeal.

