New era for Religious Education

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New era for our Religious Education programs

Special Religious Education (SRE) is education in the beliefs and practices of an approved religious persuasion. Under the NSW Education Act 1990, s. 32, government schools allow time for special religious education.

Thousands of Catholic volunteers, catechists, have been preparing for a new era of Special Religious Education in our public schools. In keeping with the times, the way Special Religious Education lessons are presented to the digital generation of students is changing. The Catholic Conference of Religious Educators in State Schools (CCRESS) has updated curriculums, developed new training modules and worked with policy makers to create a new era of Special Religious Education.

Primary and secondary classes will be enhanced with digital resources, student-centred activities and notes alerting catechists to topics that require sensitivity to student needs, family situations and attitudes. This year, the Diocese of Broken Bay is publishing the third edition of the highly innovative Walking with Jesus program with colourful new graphics and a range of digital resources. Responding to student and teacher feedback, the Broken Bay team is systematically revising the entire Kinder to Year 6 program. Previews of the new material have had catechists very excited about returning to classes this year.

A team of Religious Education professionals from the Archdiocese of Sydney and the Dioceses of Broken Bay, Parramatta and Maitland-Newcastle have developed a digital high school program, Pathways of Discipleship, which will be used for Special Religious Education classes across the State for the first time. Care has been taken with controversial issues of morality and social norms while the authentic teachings of Jesus and his Church are presented in modern formats and with engaging activities. There is a great deal of anticipation among catechists for this new program after trial lessons have been received with positive feedback from both students and teachers.

In a society as diverse as Australia, teaching of students in public schools needs to be age appropriate and sensitive. Over the past few years, CCRESS educators have trained thousands of dedicated catechists to be more aware of differences and teach students our stories and beliefs with care and respect for individuals. These workshops and courses have also introduced contemporary learning strategies and resources designed to increase the effectiveness of the precious time spent in class with young people exploring the Catholic faith.

Each diocese, as a Catholic Special Religious Education provider, has responded to the recommendations of the 2015 Independent Review of Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics and worked closely with the NSW Department of Education and other churches and faith groups to develop policies, procedures and programs that give families greater information, increased transparency and more effective educational outcomes. While attendance at Special Religious Education classes has always been popular, we all anticipate an increase in participation rates as parent and caregivers consider the choices available for the spiritual formation of their children in public schools.

CCD Wollongong Video: I'm a Catechist

The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) was established in Rome in 1562 for the purpose of providing religious education. Its modern role is that of a religious education program of the Catholic Church.

For further information, contact the parish office or the Broken Bay Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Diocesan Coordinator.