Month of Mary

Month of Mary banner

May is the Month of Mary

In May, during the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, we are invited to renew our love for the Holy Rosary, a prayer fully immersed in the Gospel.

We need to go back to the 15th Century to Pope Sixtus IV to find when the Rosary was officially approved by the Catholic Church. The practice probably originated with the Cistercians in the two previous centuries as an aid for illiterate people. The recitation of prayers and psalms in succession, gradually became a series of 150 Hail Marys. Greeting Mary so many times was compared to offering her a wreath of roses, the “Rosary”.

Praying the Rosary will make us even more united as a spiritual family and will help us overcome this time of trial.
Pope Francis 2020

The rosary is intended to bring us ever closer to Christ in humble devotion and sincere love. What makes this effective meditation on the mysteries so especially fruitful, however, is the fact that we combine it with a prayer to Mary. We go through the Lord's life on the hand of the Blessed Mother: this is the deepest significance of the rosary prayer.

A reflection on the Popes and the Rosary over history

The Rosary Centre and Confraternity by the Dominican Friars

Fatima children image 01
Lúcia Santos and Francisco and Jacinta Marto of Fátima

Children's Rosary

In Fátima, Our Lady appeared to the Shepherd children Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. In all six of her Fátima apparitions, Our Lady insisted upon praying the Rosary.

You are invited to join in every week during May with our Children's Rosary. By participating in the Children's Rosary, children learn the importance of prayer, develop a deeper relationship with Jesus and Mary, and gain a sense of community with other families who share their faith.

Children's Rosary in May:
Please join in the Rosary at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour church West Pymble every Thursday in May at 8:25am. This special gathering is open to children, parents, and all who wish to come together in prayer.

Everyone is welcome, please bring your Rosary beads.

For further information, please contact the Parish office.