Living For Others

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Living For Others During Lent

During Lent we take up practices that help us be aware of and responsive to the needs of others. The three traditional practices of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. A commitment to these practices during Lent leads to an awareness of God and conversion of the heart.


Prayer can help us to become more responsive to those who suffer. Find ways to pray often during Lent, be aware of the needs of those who are victims of injustice.
Suggestion: Read aloud one of the Church's Readings for Lent with your family before one meal each week during Lent.


Fasting can help us recognise bad habits and overcome them. It can help us live with an awareness of our dependence on God's love. Fasting is a means of expressing solidarity with those who are suffering around the world.
Suggestion: Choose at least one meal each week of Lent at which you will eat less food than normal. Perhaps you can have a simple dinner of soup and bread. At that meal be especially aware that many people will go without a meal this day.


We can become more like Jesus during Lent by being generous. With your family, select a charitable organisation and collect donation money. You may want to select an organisation that addresses the injustices you identified earlier as part of the "Prayer" aspect of Lent.
Suggestion: Take home a Caritas Project Compassion box, located at the back of the church.