The 2025 Jubilee Year
The 2025 Jubilee Year started on Tuesday, 24 December 2024 and will conclude on Tuesday, 6 January 2026. A Jubilee Year (or Holy Year) is traditionally proclaimed every 25 years. It is a year set aside to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, to repent their sins and forgive the sins of others, and to renew their spiritual life. In the Hebrew tradition, as recorded in Leviticus, a Jubilee was celebrated every 50 years with the freeing of slaves and the forgiveness of debts. In 1300, Pope Boniface VIII instituted the first Christian Jubilee, and since then the Church has designated each new Jubilee as a special year of grace and forgiveness, offering the faithful an opportunity to obtain a plenary indulgence.
A selection of information on the Jubilee year of 2025 is provided below.
We encourage you to make contact with the office for further information or assistance.