Catholic Care Broken Bay Home Care Services
We know the feeling of returning home after some time away and relishing in the comfort and familiarity of our home. Our lounge chair feels particularly inviting, we delight in knowing where everything is, and the predictability of our daily routine makes us feel secure and in control. “There’s no place like home”, made famous by Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, is a phrase that rings true for many of us.
As we age, remaining at home is synonymous with retaining independence and dignity. But for some, their home presents barriers that require careful consideration. Home maintenance tasks, personal care and other issues can make it difficult to stay at home safely.
Home Care Packages are one of the ways that older Australians can access affordable care services to stay at home for longer, and delay or avoid entry into residential aged care facilities. Catholic Care Broken Bay is now an accredited provider of Home Care Packages.
Home Care Packages are designed for those with complex care needs that go beyond what the Commonwealth Home Support Program can provide. Depending on the level of Home Care Package you receive, you can get assistance with a range of different services such as showering, hygiene and grooming, meals and food preparation, transport, home maintenance and nursing.
Choosing a Home Care Package provider is a very important decision and one you must be comfortable with. You need a provider who will assist you to remain in your own home and enable you to access the services and support of your choice. You also need to consider the values of the provider and the extent to which they align with your hopes, your priorities and your worldview.
At CatholicCare, we honour our aged care clients as esteemed elders. While dignity and respect are fundamental to how we treat everyone, we believe there’s an additional layer of reverence older generations deserve – one that many cultures embrace but can be missing in mainstream Australian society. It’s about truly cherishing, valuing, and celebrating our elders in meaningful and visible ways.
Tim Curran Catholic Care Broken Bay
Cartholic Care Broken Bay are now in the planning stages for their Home Care Services.
The first element is to understand the needs of seniors across Broken Bay and then recruit support workers matched to where the interest is geographically. Catholic Care is confident of being able to provide nimble, compassionate and exceptional services which will be well received, as is our other support for seniors.
Catholic Care want to know if Home Care Packages are of interest to you, or a loved one. Please use the link below to complete a brief ”Expression of Interest" form online. There is no obligation to engage with Catholic Care. Catholic Care may make contact to discuss your needs, but you’re welcome to opt-out at any time.
Catholic Care Broken Bay online expression of interest
For further information, please contact Catholic Care at 1800 32 4924 or via