Grazie in Grazia

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Bach Akademie presents Grazie in Grazia In Thanksgiving

The Bach Akademie orchestra is dedicated to performing the works of J.S. Bach. As part of their 2022 season, the orchestra now presents "Grazie in Grazia In Thanksgiving" at Our Lady of Dolours Church in Chatswood.

Sunday, 13 November 2022
Our Lady of Dolours Church
94 Archer Street Chatswood

There could be no better way to conclude the year than to present Monteverdi’s great mass of thanksgiving, written in the year 1631 after plague had once again ravaged Europe. Great art comes from great hardship, and in presenting this work, we acknowledge the great hardship we, as the human race, have collectively endured over the last two years of our lives. We give thanks to Monteverdi whose selfless act of composition has provided this heartfelt and consoling work.

Part 1 of the program begins in Italy with Monteverdi, interposed with works by other titans of the Venetian Renaissance, Marini and Gabrieli. Part 2 takes us on a journey to Germany through the music of Heinrich Schütz, Monteverdi’s great pupil and teacher of J.S. Bach.

We end the year with the one composer who is our greatest inspiration, and whose ability to console and bring joy surpasses all others. J.S. Bach’s mighty Christmas Cantata "Christen, ätzet diesen Tag" BWV 63 is a true celebration of the spirit of Christmas and thanksgiving.

Grazie in Grazia In Thanksgiving


Part I: Italia

Monteverdi Messa a quattro voci da cappella ‘Selva morale e spirituale’
Introitus Chant
Kyrie – Gloria

Marini Per ogni sorte di strumenti musicale, Op. 22: Passacaglio

Merula Canzoni da suonare, Book 4, Op. 17: Canzon decima settima, ‘La Monteverde’
Sanctus – Benedictus

Gabrieli Canzona due a quattro 1608
Agnus Dei

Monteverdi Cantate Domino


Part II: Germany

Heinrich Schütz Alleluja. Lobet den Herren J.S. Bach Cantata ‘Christen, ätzet diesen Tag’ BWV 63


The Bach Akadamie performs the Easter Oratorio on Palm Sunday at Our Lady of Dolours Chatswood.
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