Good Shepherd

Good Shepherd Sunday: World Day of Prayer for Vocations

The World Day of Prayer for Vocations celebrates vocations to ordained ministry and religious life in all its forms. This year it falls on Sunday, May 3, Good Shepherd Sunday.

The Lord’s call is not an intrusion of God in our freedom; it is not a “cage” or a burden to be borne. On the contrary, it is the loving initiative whereby God encounters us and invites us to be part of a great undertaking. He opens before our eyes the horizon of a greater sea and an abundant catch.
Pope Francis 2019

This time is an opportunity to make contact and learn more about living out God’s invitation to be holy through ordained and religious life. We pray for the courage to say “Yes” to God. Let us also pray for our priests and seminarians, and those discerning the call to join them.

Please join in our prayers for the nine seminarians and the three men that are preparing for the Diaconate within Broken Bay.

Download and read a letter from Pope Francis for the 2020 world day of vocations. (PDF 113.6KB)

Does a life of joy in knowing you are following the Lord as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life inspire you?

For further information or assistance, please contact the Parish office.

World day of vocations block