Everyone's Responsibility

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Safeguarding is Everyone's Responsibility

The Diocese of Broken Bay works to provide a culture of safety and care for children, young people and vulnerable adults in its care. Broken Bay is committed to maintaining a pastoral community that models the essential qualities of ethical and moral behaviour. The principles upon which this behaviour is founded include: Integrity, Commitment, Presence, Servant Leadership, Truth, Compassion, Wisdom and Dignity.

Everyone is expected to embrace and contribute to a culture safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.

The month of September is safeguarding awareness month in Broken Bay. At 7pm on Friday, 2 September at Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara, our annual Liturgy will reaffirm our commitment to keeping young people and vulnerable adults safe in our community. Everyone is welcome.

Annual Broken Bay Liturgy of Lament

Safeguarding Month 2022 at Broken Bay - the role of families

Additional information and resources at the Broken Bay office for safeguarding

The first week of September is also National Child Protection Week.
