Domestic Violence

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Catholic Response to Domestic Violence

There has been a lot of discussion in past weeks about the shocking and sobering fact that domestic and family violence is an increasing scourge in our community.

While domestic violence impacts women, children and men, we know from recent statistics that 1 in 4 women have experienced domestic assault since the age of 15. And 65% of cases go unreported for fear of retribution. We also know domestic assaults keep increasing - every year for the past five years.

We cannot tolerate abuse of any kind. It is everyone's duty to raise awareness of domestic violence, identify the signs, and urge victims to link with support services.

As a Catholic community, we can respond to domestic violence by:
  1. Not being a bystander and reporting violence.
  2. Communicating zero tolerance for violence and full support for victims.
  3. Promoting healthy relationships.
  4. Equipping ourselves to respond appropriately to individual disclosures.
  5. Praying together for peace, justice, and true reconciliation.

Catholic Care Broken Bay offers a range of services and can also refer victims to other services, and walk with them.

Bishop Anthony Randazzo recently released the video, A Catholic Response to Domestic Violence. Please review the video and associated document below and direct family and friends to them as together we seek safe and respectful relationships for all.

No-one can remain silent in the face of violence.

A Catholic Response to Domestic Violence video

A Catholic Response to Domestic Violence booklet