Dignity in the Final Journey

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Pastoral Care Conference 2019 - Catholic Healthcare

9am to 3:30pm
Wednesday, 2 October 2019
James Carroll Building
Australian Catholic University
33 Berry Street North Sydney NSW
(Corner of Pacific Highway)
$100 including lunch
RSVP by 27 September to telephone 02 8876 2224 or at the link below.
RSVP for Dignity in the Final Journey - Pastoral Care Conference 2019


Rev Prof Elizabeth MacKinlay
Charles Sturt University
Finding meaning in the experience of frailty

Dr Dan Fleming
St Vincent’s Health
Dignity and Ethics in End of Life Care:
Considerations from Victoria's "Voluntary Assisted Dying" experience

Elizabeth MacKinlay is both a registered nurse and a priest in the Anglican Church. She was the inaugural Director of the Centre for Ageing and Pastoral Studies at St Mark's National Theological Centre Canberra (2001-2012). Professor MacKinlay is a member of the Centre for Public and Contextual Theology at Charles Sturt University where she researches issues around spirituality, frailty and ageing. The book: Finding meaning in the experience of dementia. (MacKinlay and Trevitt) was awarded the 2013 Australasian Journal of Ageing book prize. A companion 2015 book is: Facilitating spiritual reminiscence for people with dementia: A learning guide. A second edition of Elizabeth’s book: The Spiritual Dimension of Ageing was published in 2017.

Dan Fleming is Group Manager, Ethics and Formation for St Vincent’s Health, a role which sees him leading ethics education, advice and strategy as well as supporting formation across the St Vincent’s Health network. He chairs the Catholic Health taskforce which has been set up to provide leadership across Catholic Health and Aged Care in responding to Victoria’s "Voluntary Assisted Dying" Act.


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