Catechist Sunday in Pymble

Catechist Sunday in Pymble

Catechist Sunday is an annual event which originated in 1935 when the Vatican published a document On the Better Care and Promotion of Catechetical Education. It acknowledged the importance of the Church’s teaching ministry and asked every country in the world to honour catechists and teachers who serve within their parish communities. It gives our parish an opportunity to thank and encourage our catechists.

On this day, March 3rd, we acknowledge the incredible work and dedication of volunteer catechists. Pymble Catholic Parish is blessed enough to have 18 catechists teaching across five schools. By doing this, our catechists teach about 350 Catholic children at local government schools.

We publicly thank our catechists for their hard work and dedication. We congratulate them on the good work that they are doing and we encourage them as they continue this most important work.

Faith teaching