Carlo Acutis Canonisation

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Preparing for the canonisation of Carlo Acutis

Blessed Carlo Acutis relics are now in Rome

Three relics of the future millennial saint, Carlo Acutis can be now found in the church of Sant’Angela Merici in Rome. The relics are a piece of Carlo Acutis’ bed, another of the sheet that was used to cover him after his death, and a fragment of one of the sweaters he often wore.

Although a canonisation date has not yet been set, it is expected that Carlo will officially join the altar of saints in 2025. In the Diocese of Rome, preparations are already underway. Thousands of young people from all over the world are expected to be part of this important and special moment at the Vatican.

The celebrations will also involve Assisi. Work is underway planning the event for presentation to the many teenagers and young people who will flock to Rome during the Jubilee.

Carlo died of leukaemia at the age of 15 and used the Internet to evangelise. He was a computer genius but, above all, he was a teenager like any other, with hobbies and worries, wearing a sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers. His ordinary nature may be what has made such an impact on millions of young people across all continents.

That’s what Camilla Marzetti highlights. She only learned about Carlo in 2018. But after hearing his story, it changed her life.

“Carlo’s presence is like that of a friend or a college or high school friend. And I always feel him close in everything I do, he really helps me to look at life and everything that happens with a different perspective”, she said.

“He helps me look at everything according to God’s plan. It happens every day, even in ordinary things. We think that holiness is something far and away from us. That it is extraordinary. It is certainly extraordinary but it is part of what passes for everyday life.”

Carlo was beatified in 2020 in Assisi. Because of COVID, there were limitations on the number of attendees in Assisi. For his canonisation, millions of people are expected to flock to Rome to see Carlo, known as “God’s influencer”, be named a saint.

The Chatswood parish have secured a first-class relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis which will be installed in a proposed Eucharistic chapel in the Our Lady of Dolours church in Chatswood.

The Carlo Acutis feast day is 12 October.

Preparing for the canonisation of Carlo Acutis

Original material by Rome Reports.