Bishop Kulczycki Installation

Installation of Bishop Karol Kulczycki as the twelfth bishop of Port Pirie

Below is a photographic report from the Liturgical Reception and Solemn Mass of Installation of Bishop Karol Kulczycki as the twelfth bishop of Port Pirie on Wednesday, 28 October 2020. Bishop Karol Kulczycki is a member of our Salvatorian Community.

Representatives from the four corners of the Port Pirie diocese – which is three times the size of Bishop Karol Kulczycki's homeland of Poland – brought soil from their region and poured it into a glass vessel to symbolise the land over which he will have pastoral leadership.Prior to the entrance procession, a welcome video from Bishop Greg O’Kelly and the people of the Diocese was shown, also highlighting the diversity of the land.

During the service, Bishop Karol Kulczycki spoke of the three components of building a “family of families” – common home, common table and common goal.

“My existence as bishop only has meaning if I am connected to the people,” he said. “I entrust myself to your prayers.”

The installation was concelebrated by past and present bishops from the Adelaide Province.

Video: On-demand installation service from St Mark's Cathedral in Port Pirie

Further information on Bishop Karol Kulczycki

We wish Bishop Karol Kulczycki all the very best in his ministry in Port Pirie. Please keep Bishop Kulczycki in your prayers as he begins his new life.

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