Authority and Continuity 2

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Our Common Humanity

Part 2 of "Authority and Continuity", a Word on Fire Institute six-part mini-series examining the Second Vatican Council.

In this mini-series, Dr Richard DeClue sheds light on precisely what the Catholic bishops discussed and debated at Vatican II, and he explains why it is important for Catholics today to understand. Vatican II was the twenty-first ecumenical council and produced sixteen documents: four Constitutions, nine Decrees, and three Declarations.

What is the common end that all humans have been created for? How do different religions try to solve the riddles of existence? Why is it necessary that there be a divine revelation in order to understand God’s purposes?

In this lecture, we will discuss our common humanity—what all people share, whether Catholic or not—and how salvation history has always been about uniting mankind with God and with one another.

Our Common Humanity (Lecture 2 of 6)

The following documents are discussed.

Gaudium et Spes

Dei Verbum

Sacrosanctum Concilium

Dignitatis Humanae